by Lisa Jordan, @lisajordan

My husband and I do not have cable, so we find a show on one of our streaming networks and spend a couple of months watching a series that aired already on network TV.
As we move closer to the final episode, I don’t look forward to watching because I don’t like saying goodbye to characters I’ve invested in emotionally as I celebrated their successes and cried over their heartbreaks.
As I pondered a recent show’s final episode, I considered how, in many cases, the ending was simply a new beginning. Even though they are fictional, the characters are moving in new directions in their lives—growing families, promotions, and embracing new challenges.
The same goes for us as writers.
In order for us to grow, we need to embrace change. Change is hard. And painful at times. Editors leave publishing houses. Agents pare their client lists. Publishers choose not to extend new contracts. Submitted proposals are declined. And that doesn’t include the challenges we face in our personal lives—death of loved ones, breakups, health issues, etc.
When we face these endings, we’re pulled out of our comfort zones and expected to “roll with the flow.” Sometimes, that rolling comes with greater challenges as we process through a season of survival into a place of thriving.
What about those struggles in the meantime? That period of survival when we’re treading water and trying to keep our heads above the surface? When we try to keep doubts, insecurities, and fears from circling around us.
Even in the midst of our life-changing pain, we need to take pause and remember a few things:

- You’re not alone. God is with you during every season in your life, the good and the bad. Lean into Him and ask for courage to keep moving forward and to embrace the changes that come your way.
- Change brings unexpected blessings. God sees the big picture. Sometimes, He allows certain doors to close so He can provide us with greater opportunities.
- This season isn’t forever. Even if the pain may seem like it will linger, each day is a new opportunity for change and growth.
- Growth and change take time. And yes, pain is a possible companion. It’s normal and healthy to express those fears, concerns, heartaches, and any other feelings change brings.
- The more you seek the One who knows you best and loves you the most, the deeper your relationship with Him will grow. And He will ease the ache in your chest, give you the peace you crave, and bring through what difficult season you’re walking.
I’m walking through one of the most difficult seasons in my personal life—the death of my mom. As I work through my grief and be present for my family, I’ve had to make some difficult decisions regarding my writing career—pause deadlines, forego attending a conference, say no to new writing opportunities. Through it all, though, God is good. He’s with me every step of the way and putting people in my path to encourage me and pray for me on a daily basis.
Every writer faces difficulties in their careers and personal lives. The ones who succeed are the ones who continue to persevere through the changes and the challenges. They refuse to allow setbacks to defeat them. They keep going and cling to the One who has the power to see them through…and they embrace new opportunities professionally and personally.
What about you? Maybe you’re facing an ending? Maybe you’re having trouble seeing a new beginning in your future. How will you react? Will you persevere or allow the enemy to have the final say?
While I don’t know what the future holds, I have faith in the One who does. After all, every ending is an opportunity for God’s anointed beginning if you’re willing to allow Him to guide you through those finales.
A fight for her future…
Might not be the one she thinks.
Returning home after losing her job, Macey Stone agrees to care for the daughter of old friend Cole Crawford. Then she discovers that Cole’s uncle’s company wants to bulldoze her family’s land. Seeing the devoted dad with his child soon has her falling for the enemy. But can she choose between saving Stone River Ranch…and helping the man who’s stolen her heart?

Heart, home, and faith have always been important to Lisa Jordan, so writing stories with those elements come naturally. Represented by Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such Literary Management, Lisa is an award-winning author for Love Inspired, writing contemporary Christian romances that promise hope and happily ever after. Her latest book, Rescuing Her Ranch, released in January 2023. She is the content manager for Novel Academy, powered by My Book Therapy. Happily married to her own real-life hero for over thirty years, Lisa and her husband have two grown sons. When she isn’t writing, Lisa enjoys quality family time and being creative with words, photos, fibers, and papers. Learn more about her at
Comments 4
Thank you, Lisa. I really needed this today. So sorry you’ve lost your mom.
Thanks so much, Terrie. I’m glad my words helped you.
I’m curious about your thoughts on how endings can be beneficial for writers. Have you ever seen a show end and then start up again with a different protagonist or a different story?
A deeply touching post, full of truth and encouragement. Thank you, Lisa.