by Delores Topliff, @DeloresTopliff

Authors work hard. We may follow a mentor, find a critique partner, and join a group. Study the craft, although there’s always more to learn. Enter contests and receive honorable mentions or win awards on real or virtual stages.
Contest judges may notice our entries and ask for more. Or not.
In conference appointments there’s interest and we may be asked for partial or complete proposals. That may produce a contract with a small, mid-size, or large publisher. Hurray for publication dates when our books emerge for the world to embrace. We’ve arrived! What’s next?
Writing books is challenging and requires specific skills. But marketing and launching books is a different skill set altogether. Large houses used to have divisions helping with advertising and marketing. They created websites, arranged blog tours, and more. But not now. These days, authors do most of that ourselves. But how?
Marketing can feel like self-promotion, which I dislike. I helped with one friend’s book launch but hated the pushiness and competition to get memes and ads out there. I had not done a book launch for myself. After all, readers would discover my books and spread the word, wouldn’t they? In an ideal world. But don’t hold your breath. For my fourth release, I needed a book launch.

Fellow author, Liana George, who’s part of Learn How to Write a Novel noticed my need, is strong in PR skills, and created The Author’s Write Hand to fill such gaps. She made my book launch fun. Yes, I gave prizes, but the participants blitzed social media and interacted as friends. Most say they’ll hang around for future book events.
If we’ve authored books but don’t have marketing or technical skills, it’s smart to get help from those who do.
My fourth release, Strong Currents, was February 21st. A week later this WWII sequel to Books Afloat reached #5 in my publisher’s monthly sales list. My launch was painless. I have a better grasp of what’s needed post-publication and the confidence to do more of it myself.
None of us can do it all. We’re not meant to.
Where are you in the author, publication, PR process? This may be your time to pause, take stock, and prioritize strategy steps to achieve your best future goals.
Strong Currents—in the river and in the hearts of men
When German Christian, Erika Hofer, opposes Hitler, church leader Dietrich Bonhoeffer helps her flee to her uncle John Hofer along the Columbia River in America’s Pacific Northwest. Erika finds acceptance and support but also suspicion, hatred, and an attempt on her life.
American pastor’s son, Josh Vengeance, joins the US Navy to serve his country but is injured at Midway and invalided home. While healing in body and spirit, he joins a network of colorful individuals, including John Hofer and his niece, Erika, who defend their homeland as volunteers.
Can two wounded young people move past betrayal and disillusionment to find love and freedom during a world at war?
Delores Topliff grew up in Washington state but married a Canadian so enjoys dual citizenship. She teaches university online, travels, and published children’s books and non-fiction stories before writing historic novels. Books Afloat, Christmas Tree Wars, and Wildlerness Wife have been published since January 2021. Strong Currents, sequel to WWII Books Afloat, released February 21st, 2023. Delores loves her two doctor sons and five grandchildren and divides her year between a central Minnesota farm and the gentle climate and people in Northeastern Mississippi.