by Alena Wendall, @alenawendall

Like many people, I’m a planner. Not just your average Joe kind of planner. I love all the things — the calendar, color coded pens, post-it notes… you name it, I have it.
I discovered My Brilliant Planner when it first came out and love it! The value-based planning course that comes with it? Game changer. I set aside time every year to reassess.
This year though, when I did the time activity? Literally, there were not enough hours in the day. I grew frustrated. I mean, I didn’t have anything outrageous on my calendar. Things normal people need to do each day. Things like a daily quiet time and Bible study, gym for physical health, work day (That pesky day job!) dinner, clean up and prep for the next day and just like that, it’s bedtime.
Where’s time for writing? What about books and lessons to hone my craft? Business development classes or books? Time with family?
When I looked at my calendar it didn’t include any nighttime activities – things like Tuesday Night Bible Study and Wednesday night church.
All of these things are important and are directly related to my values. Have you found yourself in a similar situation even with the strongest desire to succeed?
I reworked the daily mockup included in the planner and the time for everything still didn’t add up. I set it aside and committed my schedule to prayer.

As we’ve started February, I’ve decided on a happy in-between. Acknowledging that 1. I can’t do everything 2. Compromise is necessary and 3. Discipline is a must!
Here are some of the changes I made to set myself up for a successful and accomplished 2023.
- Workout for physical health 3x a week instead of 5. (Gain 4 hours a week, since the gym is ½ hour away).
- Incorporate more audio books into my schedule to maximize travel time (ex: writing podcasts, listening to Peptalks, or business non-fiction type books).
- Place an online grocery order on Friday. Pick up on my way home. Plan the menu for the next week. Use Sunday afternoons while cooking family lunch to cook additional meals and pre-package for the week. (Gain 3 hours).
- Ask family members to cook 2x a week (Gain 3 hours) or grab a pizza!
- Project planning. I evaluated the projects for work and broke them down into manageable action items, then created a schedule to complete those projects action items. This allowed me to break down the big project into manageable chunks to avoid working overtime.
What can you do to create more space in your schedule to accomplish your dreams?
Last tip. Be flexible. This schedule should work from February to May. My day job has a busy season from June through August. I will have to reschedule my routine to be successful during those months.
What about you? You may have children in sports that require evening practice. Can you write while they practice? Throw a meal into the crockpot in the morning? Can another parent take your child to practice, and you swap with the parent on another night? Can you dictate a scene via voice memo? Can you listen/watch a writing craft class while they practice?
I hope these spark ideas to create time in your schedule!
Alena T.

Writing as Alena Wendall, Alena Tauriainen pens contemporary Christian romance novels that always end with a happily ever after. By day, she partners with her lifelong mate Clyde, to run the family HVAC business. She manages both business and family life with four lovable but crazy kids. She is the Retreats Coordinator for My Book Therapy. She is represented by Rachelle Gardner with Books & Such Literary Management. Visit her at
Comments 1
Great advice! You are amazing!