I watched 6 hours of New Girl yesterday.
Not necessarily on purpose.
Yesterday morning, we took our kids to the airport, our epic two week family vacation in Florida, over. (*sob!*) Then we returned home, cleaned the house and flopped onto the sofa. I pushed play on Neflix and four hours later woke up to see that we were on episode twelve.
But that sort of feels like my life this morning—I’ve gotten up to my computer to discover that life continued without my attention. (what?) I have 3647 emails waiting for me. I have 5 big projects that have piled up. I have 15K words to write to finish a novel, and three books to edit. I have chapters to read for a contest, and application submissions to decide on, and newsletters to write and interviews to answer and phone calls to make and…
I sort of want to push play again.
As I got out of bed today, I put my feet on the floor and said, (my usual morning start), THIS is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it! And then I added He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it (with a little, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, thrown in!)
The fact is, I am not facing all this work alone. Each task I step up to, each word I write, God is with me. And sometimes I just have to remind myself of that, right?
In today’s Bible reading, (I’m in Romans), I was reminded (thank you) of this verse, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” (NASB).
So, not only is God with me…but I’m here for a reason, doing these tasks for a good reason.
And so are you.
It’s Monday.
Summer vacation is over. (but here are a few pix of our epic fun!)
Yes, our plates are full.
But we’re not in this alone. Or unequipped. And, we’re doing this for good reasons.
Just in case you forgot.
It’s going to be a great week!
Your story matters. Go! Write something brilliant!
Susie May
P.S. In case you missed the ONE email I sent out during vacation, I don’t want you to miss this – In case you are planning on leveling up your writing and marketing skills this year, this awesome bundle of classes is being offered ONE LAST TIME. (but, it ends tomorrow, at midnight!) (VALUE: $5913.00 – Now only $49.00!!)

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