3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Goals

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

How ya doing on all those 2020 goals? Maybe you’ve heard the statistics, but let’s review. Roughly 80 percent of Americans drop their New Year’s goals by mid-February. Chances are, most of you reading this have dropped some if not all of your resolutions. But I have GREAT news.

It is never too late to set a new goal or breathe life into an old one. In fact, grab that list you made for 2020, dust it off, and let’s begin again. After all, spring is on its way (at least here in Texas), and spring is always a time for new beginnings, new life, and renewed hope.

  1. Review

You are far enough into the year now to know if some of your goals are realistic or not. Meaning, you may have set some ambitious goals, but you are realizing with your other commitments that you need to scale them a little more. That’s okay! That’s part of the process. I’m a fan of dreaming big! The goal is to challenge yourself but also be realistic and set yourself up for success.

  1. Revise

Once you have reviewed your 2020 goals, it is time to revise. I am actually just now sitting down to make my 2020 goals. When we rolled into January, my sole goal was to have everything ready personally and professionally to walk down the aisle to my groom on February 22. Now back from the honeymoon, I’m figuring out married life with my new hubby, sending a few other friends off into marriage, and catching up on work. I’m figuring out our new routine, which will help me set solid goals that are challenging and doable. “Wedding” has been scratched off my list (yay!). Now onto those writing goals!

  1. Renew

2020 is your year! Instead of being a part of that 80 percent statistic, you can renew your goals and charge into the spring with new hope, passion, and gusto. Post that updated goal list somewhere you will see it. Celebrate the small wins. Don’t grow weary, and get after it.

Trust me, friend. You’ve got this.


With a wedding on the horizon, Navy SEAL Nick Carmichael and Kaylan Richards prepare to commit themselves to one another and their future together. But for Kaylan, every step closer to the big day brings with it more disaster as she struggles to learn the sacrifice of joining the Navy SEALs. While she gains a new family, she will also gain all the secrets that come with it.

But one last mission is required.

In the middle of wedding plans, Nick is called away on one last mission. And this time, he is forced to cooperate with the woman he fears and hates above all others: known terrorist, Janus. Lives are on the line, and this might be the team’s last chance to take down the world’s biggest arms dealers.

A new secret could change everything.

As the clock ticks closer to the wedding day, Kaylan and Nick fear Janus’s actions will cost more than they can give. With a life-altering secret revealed, they must battle for their love, their family, and for the boldness to do what is necessary. Victory is possible, but it will only come with surrender.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at karisslynch.com, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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