by Rachel Hauck, @RachelHauck
Someone else’s success doesn’t ensure you’re a failure.
Unless, of course, you’re facing Jason Bourne.
But most of us feel like the above publisher after we enter a contest. Published or unpublished.
We feel like a sniper-judge is looking through a scope at us and we’re painted with a big ole bullseye.
His success at achieving his goal will kill us–all our dreams and hopes…
The shooter is the judge who gave a low score.
“He’s out to kill me! All my hopes and dreams! What do you mean I’m not the be all and end all of unpublished writing?”
I know because I’ve been there!
Published and unpublished.
Contests can rock your world or break your hope. But it’s up to us, as writers, to be steadfast in our calling to write.
Contests do not make OR BREAK an author.
Contests, while helpful and often a stepping stone, are merely a tool to help a writer reach the next level.
They are not intended to be a Seal of Approval or Seal of Disapproval that overinflates or deflates your dreams.
So take a deep breath. Swallow. Get back with your game plan and move forward.
Have a Game Plan
Speaking of a game plan…
1. Most of us enter a contest then sit back and wait. Bad idea. Move on. Start another story. Focus on your next book Contracted or not. Read a writing book. Read a good book, not in your genre. Spend time with the family. Don’t just wait.
2. Set new goals. If you’re not published, start a new story that you plan to finish in time for ________.
3. Follow up with editors or agents.
4. Sign up for a conference.
5. Do something outside of writing. Sign up for the local 5K. Work on promotion in the day job. Start a review blog. I don’t know but you do. The Lord does. So get to work!
What To Do With Conflicting Feedback
It’s tough when you get conflicting feedback but do take a deep breath, step back, get yer dander down and consider the input just might be right.
First of all, no judge that I know sets out to destroy the authors of the manuscripts they’re reading. I know, we all picture them with evil scowls, muttering, “Who writes this drivel!?”
Sometimes newer author judges can make some rookie mistakes. They take off points for creative choices or the word “was.” I think we should forbid anyone from discounting an entry because they used the word was.
But overall, I think judges are looking for voice and story.
And those are two of the hardest things for an author to master.
So, if you have conflicting feedback — one judge loved it and the other hated it — consider two things:
1. Audience. The first judge was your target reader. She/he felt your voice and the story emotion. The second may not have been your target audience. Or the story just didn’t resonate with them. Consider the story is probably somewhere in between. Needs work but doesn’t need to be torched.
2. The negative comments might have validity even if said harshly. Try to read between the lines. Hear what they might be saying if you were sitting across from them in a coffee shop. If a judge says the story was cliche or the characters kind of flat, take that into consideration. But don’t read: I stink as a writer. Reread your piece to see where the judge might have accessed that? Have someone else you trust read it.
3. Don’t give up!
What If All The Feedback Is Negative
1. Get feedback from someone you trust.
2. Consider that the story just didn’t work for some reason but look for the positive input as a starting point to rework the story.
3. Be willing to rework the story.
4. Kick a few cabinets… er, I mean, spend some time in prayer. Let God share your burden.
5. Make a plan if you don’t have one. Execute your plan if you have one.
Contests Are Just One Brick In The Publishing Road
1. I didn’t win any pre-published contests. But I managed to get published anyway.
2. I haven’t won that many publishing contests but enough to boost my confidence and add a few line items to my resume. But I’m still publishing!
3. Keep your eye on the prize — getting your book in print. On God’s GOOD plans for your life. So keep working. Realize that publishing takes time because you’re not just putting words on a page, you’re learning a craft. You’re telling a story about pretend people that will touch real people’s lives.
So hang in there! You’re well on your way!
Go write something Brilliant!
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a story of long-lost love and its redemption in future generations.
Set in stunning upcountry South Carolina, The Love Letter is a beautifully crafted story of the courage it takes to face down fear and chase after love, even in the darkest of times. And just maybe, all these generations later, love can come home in a way not even Hollywood could imagine.
New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling, award-winning author Rachel Hauck loves a great story. She serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers. She is a past ACFW mentor of the year. A worship leader and Buckeye football fan, Rachel lives in Florida with her husband and ornery cat, Hepzibah. Read more about Rachel at