This is my little maple tree in my front yard of our AirBnB/Writing cabin.
We planted her fifteen years ago.
Unfortunately, we planted her in clay. (sorry little maple tree!)
We didn’t realize we were planting in clay. We just planted her in an area of the yard that needed a tree.
She’s not big.
But she is MIGHTY. Look at those red leaves she’s pumping out!
She doesn’t care that she’s planted in clay. Or is the only maple tree in a yard of birch and fir. Or is small for her age.
She just puts out her little leaves.
She’s beautiful.
And a reminder that we don’t have to be big to make an impact, right?
Right now you might be feeling small. Planted in clay, your roots all bound up. Feeling unnoticed.
It’s not up to you to decide where you’ve been planted. Your job is to put out those red leaves for all your worth.
My little maple tree has a story.
So do you.
Be fierce today in the place you are planted.
Your story matters!
Go! Write something brilliant.
Susie, the little maple tree, May.
Novel.Academy | |
P.S. I am in love with my schedule this week! It’s so inspiring to me to look at the week’s power blocks and see what is ahead. Are you a power blocker? (and yes, that sounds like a football term, but really, it’s a GET IT DONE strategy). If you are—or want to learn how—our 2020 planner has a fantastic course that teaches you all the tricks and tips to organizing your amazing life.
And, right now, the planner is ON SALE, $10 off the regular price!! (until Oct 10th). And, a power blocking daily brilliant writing pad is included in every order!