What to Expect When You Are Expecting a Book Baby

by Tari Faris, @FarisTari

What to Expect When You are Expecting is the go-to for new parents. But what about new book parents? After launching my first novel in the world, I have learned that a lot of the advice is the same. So here is a top ten list I adapted from advice to new moms I found.

  1. It’s all going to be OK.

Chances are, you have been waiting to be published for a long time so take time to enjoy it. But know-like parenting-not all days are full of rainbows and kisses. It is okay to be tired. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay if you flub an answer on a live radio interview (I did and I survived.)

  1. Soak up every moment.

Remember that everything is temporary. The first two months of your novel’s launch are full and crazy and it is the only thing anyone will want to talk to you about. But enjoy it. It is temporary and although it can feel overwhelming, it goes fast.

  1. No one loves their job every single day.

I love being a writer. But I don’t love every part of being a writer. That is okay. Remember that no one loves 100% of their job. Just revel in the 80% you love and slog through the other 20%. You’ll make it.

  1. If all else fails, call your mom mentor!

You are not the first one to travel this road and chances are you have friends who are ahead of you on the journey. If you have questions, stresses, or just need to hear that all your emotions are normal, call them. They will be there for you.

  1. Remember that you and your partner publisher are a team.

Although every publisher is a little different, your publisher is there for you. My publisher arranged interviews and blog tours. Talk with your publisher about how you can partner with them that month to get the word out about your book.

  1. Invent your own parenting social media philosophy.

You will hear a lot of advice about what you must do to be a success. But figure out your strengths and capitalize on them. I am not really a Twitter person. I don’t ignore it completely. I make sure that I hop on to thank and retweet my supporters who are Twitter people but I don’t try to rearrange my life around a social media app that doesn’t really fit me. What fits you?

  1. Ask for help.

My husband really stepped up to help during the month of the launch. I was running here and there and he took over dinners and groceries. I know he is a Rockstar. But think about who you could ask in your life to help out during this stressful month.

  1. Sleep when the baby book sleeps. This doesn’t quite translate but the idea is there.

You will be tired. And although your book will never sleep, take time for yourself. Don’t run yourself to death. Take time to rest and find your identity in your Heavenly Father.

  1. You will not always do it “right,” but you are still going to be an amazing mother writer.

You got this contract. The publisher loves your story. You put your all into this story and it is worth being celebrated. Avoid reading the negative reviews – they really don’t help.

  1. Have fun.

You have a debut novel only once. Enjoy it and celebrate – the world is celebrating with you!

You Belong with Me

What Secrets Are Hiding Behind the Doors of this Small Town?

Real estate agent Hannah Thornton loves the historic community of Heritage, Michigan. Unfortunately, selling houses is not one of her fortes. She sees each house and the larger town of Heritage as something to be valued, not sold off to the highest bidder. When a business mogul arrives in town determined to exploit the land and build a new strip mall, Hannah is determined to stop him from bulldozing her town’s past. At first, no one supports her efforts—not even her best friend, Luke. Can Hannah help the town of Heritage see that true value lies in the things you cannot put a price tag on?

Even though Luke Johnson has grown up in Heritage as a foster child, he never truly felt like he belonged. Anxious to earn his place in the town and in Hannah’s heart, Luke applies for the job of assistant fire chief. But Luke does not anticipate the interview process to unearth secrets from his past he has kept carefully hidden. Will the pain of being honest be worth the risk? Can he pull down the walls he’s erected around his bruised heart?

Tari Faris has been writing fiction for thirteen years but has been creating fiction in her head as long as she can remember. She signed with Revell for her debut novel – You Belong with Me – which will be released in September 2019. She is represented by Wendy Lawton at Books & Such Literary Management and is a member of ACFW and My Book Therapy. She was the 2017 Genesis winner, 2016 Genesis finalist, and 2014 Genesis finalist. In addition to her writing, she also works for My Book Therapy as a special project manager and blog coordinator for LearnHowToWriteANovel.com. When she is not writing or working, she spends time with her amazing husband and kids. In her free time, she loves coffee, rockhounding with her husband and kids, and distracting herself from housework. You can connect with her at www.tarifaris.com

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