3 Steps to Balance Life and Writing

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

Balance. If you’re anything like me, that word probably stresses you out more than it sets you free. It’s a word we use often but the practice is a little more…elusive. Thankfully, there are a variety of tools, calendars, planners, and apps for every personality type, but sometimes it still doesn’t feel like enough.

When it comes to balance, I seem to do really well for a week or two, and then I quickly burn out trying to keep every ball in the air. Then I get discouraged that I dropped balls. Then I stop juggling the balls. Then I’m really discouraged because I feel like I’m failing at life. And then I quit juggling all together. Anyone relate?

Friends, the only time we fail is when we stop trying to balance. We live in a busy, broken world, and everything around us is competing for our time and our peace of mind. However, I do believe it is possible and attainable to balance our life with this writing calling and business. I’m experiencing more balance in 2019 than I ever have. And I can contribute it to one perspective shift. One commitment I made coming into the new year. Maybe it will help you, too.

Step 1: Identify your priorities.

When 2019 rolled around, I looked at the year ahead and asked myself one question: “what two life goals do I want to mark my year?” I have a lot of priorities, daily and weekly tasks, etc. But when I look back on 2019, I want it to have a little more definition. So, I defined my life priorities: be an active aunt and sister as we welcome two new babies to the crew this year, and be a creative, diligent writer by publishing at least one novella this year. I communicated these priorities to friends and family. I wrote them down. I created accountability. So, ask yourself two questions: What life priorities do you want to define your year? Who in your life can hold you accountable to pursue these goals?

Step 2: Filter through opportunities.

Y’all, I STRUGGLE with making decisions. I don’t want to miss out or make a mistake. But knowing how I want to spend my time and energy this year has been one of the most freeing things for me. If an opportunity presents itself, I ask if it ultimately supports my priorities or if it distracts. Filtering this way has impacted vacation days, serving commitments at church, work priorities, etc. Instead of living in anxiety, I am thriving in creativity and time to honor and excel at my commitments and my writing. In her book, 100 Days to Brave, Annie Downs puts it this way: “A little yes can be a step in the right direction, even if it isn’t a leap…Saying little noes along the way allows you to do great things. Saying little noes that give you some space in your life allows other things to grow.” What opportunities do you need to seize? What opportunities distract your focus?

Step 3: Stick to your guns.

Maybe you’ve heard friends and family use this line: “C’mon. Just do it. It won’t take that much time.” True. But it will take time. It will take energy. The question is: is that time well spent? You may feel like you are on an island, that no one understands, that you are the only one defending your time and priorities, and that may be true. But stand firm. Ultimately, learning to balance and knowing when to commit benefits me and those around me, as well.

Balance is all about creating something that is steady. It’s about creating something that enables you to continue in a direction to accomplish your dreams and your daily life. It’s not about having it all together. Writing and life responsibilities are possible to balance. You may have to work a little harder and a little longer. You may have to sacrifice. But thriving and balancing life and writing is more than possible. Just focus on the right things and don’t let anything distract you from what’s most important. You’ve got this.


With a wedding on the horizon, Nick Carmichael and Kaylan Richards prepare to commit themselves to one another and their future together. But for Kaylan, every step closer to the big day brings with it more disaster as she struggles to learn the sacrifice of joining the Navy SEAL family. In the middle of wedding plans, Nick is called away on one last mission. And this time, he will be forced to cooperate with the woman he fears and hates above all others: known terrorist, Janus. As the clock ticks closer to the wedding day, Kaylan and Nick fear Janus’s actions will cost them everything. Victory is possible, but it will only come with surrender.

Kariss Lynch writes contemporary romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. She is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves to encourage her readers to have courage. In her free time, she hangs out with her family and friends, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at karisslynch.com, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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