Champion the Cause

by Peter Leavell, @PeterLeavell

CBA—Christian Book Association.

This massive assemblage is the name for a loose confederation of publishers that label their books as inspirational, religious, and for the most part, God-honoring.

As you can imagine, this grouping is a chef salad of church denominations, all tossed together to reflect the mixture of America’s Christian culture. Many of the writers come from diverse religious backgrounds—and a writer’s denomination isn’t important in our writer’s contract.

What happens when you come from a church that believes the other denominations are going to hell, and now your book is entering the salad bowl of the CBA?

The crisis begins. It’s time to ask yourself, what do I really believe?

My family and I were part of a strict denomination, and we learned two powerful lessons.

Denominations are There for a Reason

My family was part of a denomination that had strict guidelines. These rules separate them from the culture at large. The standards are sometimes seen as fruits of the Spirit, creating an invisible culture. To fit in, a specific conduct is adhered to in public life. One is to not associate with other denominations.

My family and I opened the Scriptures and spent time in prayer. We were convicted we were doing nothing wrong by working with others, but we were constantly challenged by our stand. After a closer look, however, those confronting us had come from a past where dancing was abused, church attendance was forsaken, alcohol led to drunkenness, drums brought back memories of drug use and other abuses, or the ingestion of disturbing content from going to the movies caused behavioral issues. We understand the struggles many have and appreciate the denomination’s stand. People joined because they felt they could worship God more comfortably there.

But the divisions run deeper, and doctrinal issues create a thicker line of separation. When coming to the CBA, we found the culture is focused on Christ and His salvation for us. Christ binds us together in love, conversation, and worship in ways that look like we have a common enemy, Satan, and we are in a battle against the devil, and not each other.

The Name: Christian Book Association—a list of words in order of importance.

Christian: The most influential person in history is Jesus. But He was so much more. He was God come to earth. Christ is the center of Christianity, and to neglect that common bond, inside or outside of the CBA, is to misunderstand the message of Christ. (Matthew 23 & John 17:20-26)

Book: Writers of the CBA are artists. They create works that reflect the horror of humankind’s fall and God’s light and glory and redemption. They also know the craft and can pit their work with any in the world.

Association: There have been some sad decisions by booksellers and publishers in the past. They are businesses. But here is a powerful difference than the general market: writers and those who acquire stories, those who edit manuscripts, print books, the agents and support staffs—they all pray and support each other. The association is a powerful haven that shows the binding of Christian artists and businesspeople.

We have found a church that focuses on common grounds in Christ and makes a powerful stand against sin. As you can guess, the church is large, and one would think we’d be a tiny fly in a large room. Instead, it feels like we are one, a solid unit worshiping Christ, brothers and sisters crying out to God His awesomeness, people of many races and pasts, but all with Christ as their center.

Much like the Christian Book Association.

Dino Hunters: Discovery in the Desert

Siblings Josh and Abby Hunter don’t believe their parents’ death was an accident. After taking pictures of the most incredible find of the 1920’s—proof humans and dinosaurs lived together in the same time and place—desperate outlaws armed with tommy guns are on their tail! Only Josh and Abby know where the proof is hidden—in the canyons of Arizona’s desert. When an intruder searches Josh and Abby’s bags inside their new home, the two convince their uncle Dr. David Hunter to return to the canyon and find the pictures they’d hidden. But the outlaws are just as eager to find the proof before Josh and Abby. Can Josh use his super-smart brain to outfox the villains in time? Will Abby’s incredible physical abilities stop full-grown men? And will their uncle believe them?
Dino Hunters is an apologetics-adventure series aimed at the middle reader to help them trust the Bible from the very first verse.

Peter Leavell, a 2007 graduate of Boise State University with a degree in history and currently enrolled in the University’s English Lit Graduate program, was the 2011 winner of Christian Writers Guild’s Operation First Novel contest, and 2013 Christian Retailing’s Best award for First-Time Author. A novelist, blogger, teacher, ghostwriter, jogger, biker, husband and father, Peter and his family live in Boise, Idaho. Learn more about Peter’s books, research, and family adventures at


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