What makes almost any task a little easier?
That’s why combining forces with other authors or industry peeps is such a good idea when you’re working to market your books. We all have different spheres of influences, networks and contacts, friends and fans on social media. Cross-promotion and joint marketing efforts make SO much sense.
Here are a few ways I’ve teamed up with others recently:
1) I found release buddies. I checked out a few authors who had books coming out around the same time as mine. We tossed around a variety of ideas for joint giveaways, blog appearances, videos and more.
2) I’m in an author group that just this week began talking about ways to promote our books when we’re in between releases. We’re chatting about finding some way to work together to cross-promote in not-as-busy seasons.
3) Three friends and I formed a small marketing team and SO many of the ideas for my release promotions came from their brainstorming!
4) Two other authors and I all have books in the same genre releasing from the same publisher next spring. We’ve already been emailing ideas about blogs, vlogs and more as we prepare to cross-promote in the coming months.
But what if I’m not published yet?
Great question! There are still ways to partner up with others in your platform-building strategies. For instance:
1) Before I was ever published, on my personal blog I welcomed weekly author guests for interviews and guest posts. These authors often reciprocated, promo-ing me and my blog and even inviting me to guest post on their blog.
2) Group blogging can be effective when done well. Why not find a few writers with different friend circles and blog together?
3) A friend and I have a weekly vlog. We write in different genres, so by working together, we’re exposing each other to new audiences.
4) Remember that marketing small group I mentioned above? We’re all at different stages in our writing journeys, but each one of us is invaluable to the group–bringing our own expertise, talents, circles of influence and ideas to the group. Why not look for a few marketing buddies to start strategizing with?
What other ways can you think of to team up marketing-wise?
Melissa Tagg is a former reporter turned romantic comedy author. Her debut novel, Made to Last, is out now from Bethany House. In addition to her nonprofit day job, she’s also the marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy. Connect with Melissa at www.melissatagg.com and on Facebook and Twitter (@Melissa_Tagg).