Last week, we began talking about the Three Bs of marketing:
1) Brand
2) Bio
3) Buy-in
We specifically focused on “brand” last week. Today we’re going to talk about bio…what you say about, well, you!
This might sound like a silly thing to even need to talk about. And there are many helpful blog posts and articles out there with in-depth information on how to write an author bio.
My main point is this: Don’t forget to include it! Honestly, I’ve been to so many blogs and websites that looked really cool…but whose writers were like cyber-ghosts because their bio was either hidden…or nonexistent.
In all your marketing efforts—online, in print or in person—it’s important people know the basics about you. Think of it like this: If someone picks up a promotional bookmark or stops by your website for the very first time, what is the most important thing or two you want them to not just learn about you…but to actually remember?
Here are some good things to think about when writing your bio:
- Relevancy: All that stuff you normally put on a resume? Not all of it is going to matter to the reader. Only include what’s relevant—what relates either to the reader or to your book’s subject matter.
For instance, if you’re a member of the DAR and you write historical romance, then by all means, let us know about your membership. But if you write suspense, the DAR thing isn’t at all relevant.
- Credibility: Think about what’s going to boost your credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the reader. Might be your day job, your popularity as a speaker or the number of articles you’ve published.
- The “Cool Factor”: What makes you cool? We’ve all got something unique, interesting and/or just plain fun about us. What makes you stand out? If you can include it in a relevant and professional-yet-fun way, go for it!
- Contact: Tell the reader how to contact you. Include your website and social media links/handles if you can.
Note: When you’re writing your bio, think about your voice. Think about your brand. Find ways to incorporate both, if possible.
Again, there are many articles and blogs all over cyberspace with advice on how to write a bio. So do some reading. Check out the back covers of your favorite books and read the author bios. Take time thinking about yours.
And most of all, never make a marketing move without thinking about how you’ll fit in your bio.
Melissa Tagg serves as the MBT Marketing and Events coordinator. When she’s not helping MBT, she serves as the Marketing coordinator for her other company, a non-profit in Des Moines, IA. Melissa’s Debut book, Made to Last, hits the shelves in September 2013. find her at: