Brainstorming Strategies: #1 Layers

Every story has a basic story line or plot that is central to the book. Without it, there would be no story. But to create a deeper story you need to add layers.

What are layers?

Layers are the different pieces or story threads that run along side your plot to make it more interesting. Often these layers are added by subplot or other POV characters besides the hero and heroine.

For example, in the movie White Christmas there are several layers, here are a few:

*The two sisters agreed that they won’t let a man come between them

Deepening Layer:  The youngest pretends that Danny Kaye is her sweetheart so that her sister will feel free to fall in love.

Deepening Layer: It works so well that when the older sister has a fight with her new love, she leaves thinking she is giving her younger sister a chance at love.

*The General is losing his business because there isn’t any snow in Vermont. He feels useless now that he is home from the War.

Deepening Layer:  Danny Kaye and his buddy were under the General’s command and come in to save the business.

Deepening Layer: The soldiers in his platoon are brought in to help save the business.

*Danny Kaye believes his buddy needs to find love, so he match makes.

Deepening Layer: Surprisingly, he ends up with a sweetheart of his own.

Do you need to brainstorm more layers in your novel? Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Write down all the names of your cast and connections they could have to the plot. Remember, we want them to feed back into the main storyline.
  2. Brainstorm a list of all possible complications that could relate to their part of the story.

For Example: The Giant In Jack And The Beanstalk

Brainstorming Ideas:  The Giant has a girlfriend who wants to meet a human.

The Giant’s mother fears humans and wants to keep jack locked up.

The Giant has a sleeping disorder and gets grumpy when he can’t

Sleep, he relies on a human doctor to give him medicine.

(Each of these layers would deepen the plot, but you might not choose them all.)


Write down the main story threads you currently have developed. Brainstorm ways you could deepen the layers of each thread.

For Example:  Sam loses his ice cream in the puddle and cries.

Brainstorming Ideas:   Sam could go back to the ice cream shop for more.

Sam’s sister could give him hers.

Sam could forget the cone and go and play.

(This is a bit of an oversimplification, but you get the point.)

While brainstorming layers for your novel decide which ideas to use based on weakness.

If your characters are a little flat, brainstorming deepening layers for them is probably your best strategy. This will give them more personality and importance in your plot. If your plot line is too direct, or you have a sagging middle then you want to brainstorm layers into your plot threads.

Layers Give the plot depth and texture. Don’t miss the opportunity to use brainstorming strategies to deepen your novel.

Michelle Lim, My Book Therapy, The Craft and Coaching Community for NovelistsOur Huddle Coach, Michelle Lim semi-finaled in the 2011 Genesis with Death’s Apprentice and received Bronze Medal Recognition in the 2010 Frasier contest with Singed. She is the vice president of MN N.I.C.E., a local chapter of ACFW. At My Book Therapy she coordinates the e-zine’s Genre Java Column and is the Brainstorm and Huddle Coach,our program for local craft groups. Michelle taught elementary school for eleven years. She lives in Minnesota with her husband Hui Hong and four rambunctious kids that keep her life full of laughter and suspense. Contact her at:


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