Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside…Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career …and everything in between! BUY Now: From the Inside-Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You

Comments 3
I probably need to replace my copy of From the Inside . . . Out. It’s so well-worn. And I used that term instead of “worn out” very specifically. My Inside . . . Out is dog-eared for a very, very good reason: I refer to it all the time!
I have already worn the corners down on my copy and I’ve only had it for 4 months. I have notes in all the margins and I take it with me everywhere I go in case I get a moment to read a chapter. I have learned so much more about my characters since I’ve been using Inside….Out. It has saved my novel–brought it back from a good start with a very saggy middle to the story I envisioned in the beginning. I am ordering another copy to use as the main gift for a basket to give away at our writers group’s conference in April. Inside…Out is a wonderful investment. I would love to see a workshop incorporated into our conference based on it. (I don’t dare suggest that or I might end up teaching a session. LOL)
I’m with you, Beth. It’s such a great reference tool when I’m stuck.