Last week in the Warren household, we had what I call, “Warren Life-Planning Class.” It was mandatory attendance, taught by the parents to the four now-nearly-grown young adults. Who may or may not have some challenges with time management (a.k.a missing college classes) and financial planning (a.k.a an excess in pizza purchases). I didn’t expect perfection – I just wanted to overview HOW to manage your life and time.
I started with making them write their obituaries. Probably not a great idea. Peter wrote: “Peter Warren died after taking the Warren Life-Planning Class.” Nice, real nice.
But, it did get across one concept….everything they do now matters. Every choice they make feeds into the next one. Every habit they make embeds into the outcome of their life. And every decision they make develops character. Which means, today’s decisions should be guided by the end product.
AKA, Vision.
Where did they want their life to end up? Now, for high-schoolers, this is a big task. So I broke it down into what they considered the end of their life: graduation. What did they want the graduation program to say about them. For my college kids, I did the same.
As an author, it can be as simple as asking: What impact do I want to make on my readers? When they pick up a *insert author name here* book, what do you want them to think? This, by the way, is your Author Brand.
This is where you start when you are setting goals – everything you do, or write, needs to filter through this visionary sieve. If it doesn’t fit the vision, then maybe it doesn’t fit into your life.
Once you know your vision, then you can start setting goals. I like 3 year goals that I can then break down into annual bites…and then 12 monthly tasks.
The key is to make is simple: Start with Dec 31, 2012 in mind.
Where do you want to be in a year? A contract? A published book? A finished book? A rough draft? A website? Make it specific, measurable and attainable. Then, once you figure out where you want to end, list all the steps it might take to get there. This is your task-list. Put it in a flow-chart order…and now you have your step by step plan to getting there. Assign months to it, and you’ll know how much you need to do each month to get this done.
Our Life-Coach Dr. Reba Hoffman wrote a fabulous article about how to get motivated to get these tasks done in Saturday’s blog – read it HERE.
The other key ending well is to review your progress regularly. Schedule in a few hours each month (Saturday mornings are nice) to see how you’re doing. Make adjustments. Forgive yourself. And then congratulate yourself on what you did well and KEEP GOING.
Dec 2012 is going to be here before you know it. Start now…to end well!
More on Ending Well and Time Management/Goal Setting for 2012:
Next Monday we begin a new blog series: Truth and Dare: Conversations with an Aspiring Writer. It’s the weekly journal of a writing coach assisting an aspiring author on their journey. Not just craft, but motivation and hints on how to discover, create and publish the novel in you, delivered in a conversation with an aspiring author. It’s a little different take on implementing the writing journey, but hopefully it’ll encourage aspiring authors on their own writing journey this year.
On Tuesdays, at MBT, well be reviewing writing craft books in a “Best of” Series, as well as answer real-time questions about writing. If you have a question about writing and would like it answered on our Tuesday Blogs, write to
Wednesdays, our Special Teams blogs will continue with blogs on editing, managing the business side of writing, and social media with MBT Coaches Beth Vogt, Tiffany Colter (with the Writing Career Coach) and Edie Melson.
Thursdays, Rachel Hauck weighs in with a Therapist Thought – her witty blogs on writing mistakes and challenges.
Fridays, we’ll be featuring awesome fiction again with reviews on our favorite books. And over the weekend, be encouraged with our Writing/Life Coaching Blogs from our resident Member Care/Life Coach, Dr. Reba J. Hoffman.
You can recieve a reminder of all these blogs when you sign up for the Flashblog – you’ll get a reminder it delivered into your email box every day. (and, get a writing helps gift when you sign up!)
What is our vision? Our ‘end in mind’? To encourage writers with the journey through craft, community and coaching. In 2012, we want to help you achieve your publishing dreams.
Ready for an awesome 2012? We are!
Thanks for reading!
Susie May, Founder, MBT
Susan May Warren is the RITA award-winning author of thirty-five novels with Tyndale, Barbour, Steeple Hill and Summerside Press. A four-time Christy award finalist, a two-time RITA Finalist, she’s also a multi-winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice award, and the ACFW Book of the Year. A seasoned women’s events speaker, she’s a popular writing teacher at conferences around the nation and the author of the beginning writer’s workbook: From the Inside-Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you! She is also the founder of, a story-crafting service that helps authors discover their voice.
A full listing of her titles, reviews and awards can be found at:
PS: Again, send your questions to: We’ll be glad to answer them!
Comments 1
Susie, what a great, practical post! Parts of it had me laughing out loud.
Thanks for giving such great suggestions for getting my 2012 writing life off to a strong start.