Give the gift of helping someone achieve their dreams this Christmas! To celebrate the season, MBT is offering a store-wide 25% off sale on our products!
Okay, it’s Shameless Promotion day at MBT! To celebrate Christmas, we’re slashing our prices on our entire store by 25%! (Deets on the bottom on how to get this great savings on your entire order!)
But you might be wondering…what’s in the store?
Well, there’s:
From the Inside-Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You.
It’s my foundational writer’s guide to creating a novel, from idea to publishing. It’s our best-seller, and makes a great gift for someone who just needs to learn the basics.
Then…there’s Deep and Wide: Advanced Fiction Techniques.
This is the advanced guide to writing a novel – all the nuances of the character journey, how to write emotions, scene structure, how to make a stronger plot, creating villians. Everything that I wanted to include in Inside-Out, but didn’t because I didn’t want to overwhelm those working on the foundations.
To put those all together, I created The Book Buddy.
The Buddy is a manuscript companion with all the worksheets and questions you need to develop a book. It contains minimul instruction, so you’ll need to be familiar with the concepts of the first two books to apply this. But, I use this for every novel I write and it’s a super help to make sure you have developed your story fully.
Finally….For those writing a Romance, I’m thrilled to announce Kiss and Tell: the essential worktext on writing a Romance.
A romance is a special kind of novel – it’s more than just the standard journey; you need specific elements to create a powerful romance. This book reveals all my secrets by giving out the “recipe” for a great romance, showing the writer how to develop these ingredients, then how to put them together in a compelling way. With worksheets and examples (including: how to write a great kiss!), it’s a hands-on primer for anyone who wants to write a romance, from idea to proposal.
I’m very proud of these products – they capture what I consider the “organic” method of creating a story, a method I’ve found works for me, (and others) for 35 books. And I”m delighted to offer them to you this season at a discount.
Check them out at our MBT Store.
Here are the discount deets: Use coupon code BUYMYBOOK305 at checkout and receive 25% off your order.
The maximum savings with this promotion is $50. You can only use the code once per account, and you can’t use this coupon in combination with other coupon codes. This great offer ends on December 14, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST.
Merry Christmas!
Susie May