Seven Things Every Writer Must Do, Part Three: Remove Roadblocks

I’ve worked helping people maneuver past obstacles for most
of my adult life. I’ve heard thousands of stories from men and women whose
journeys came to halt because obstacles blocked their path. Over the years I
learned many things about these roadblocks that will help you as a writer to
remove them from your life. Here are a few of them.


Roadblocks are rarely
It’s true. Even those precision positioning of police
cruisers to stop fleeing crooks. In fact, one reasons cops don’t use roadblocks
much anymore is because the bad guy can maneuver past them. The same applies to
your writing journey. When a roadblock shows up in the middle of your path,
remember there is a way around it, over it, or through it. Remember that and
search for the opening. It’s there.


Roadblocks can be
built by you.
Ouch. Considering the idea that you build roadblocks right in
the middle of your own path is frightening. Makes you think you are your own
worst enemy. Well, in some cases, you might be. You construct beliefs not based
on the truth but rather on your own experiences. If you suffered from an
emotionally charged event in your life and your heroine’s life is similar, you
could throw up a roadblock because, simply put, it hurts too much. It’s not
intentional. Mostly likely you’re not even aware of it. I’ve done it many times
myself. But the good news is that you are in total control over your thoughts
and actions. You can always navigate past those types of roadblocks and move on
to typing “The End” on your manuscript.


God designed
roadblocks to propel you forward, not hold you back.
Think about it.
Haven’t you learned and grown more by moving past roadblocks than anything else
in your life? It’s by design. God uses them to help you gain wisdom, courage,
and tenacity. Writing is not easy. In fact, it’s arguably more challenging that
giving birth, facing the enemy in battle or building a house from scratch with
nothing but your brain and brawn. This is by design. Embrace roadblocks. Let
them become your friends. Learn the lessons they came to deliver.


Roadblocks are not always meant to stop you but rather to
propel you to a whole new destination. God has given you the strength in Him to
remove every roadblock that stands between you and your destiny of being a
writer. Dig deep. Go over it, through it, around it but don’t stop moving
forward. Keep writing. 


  Reba J. Hoffman

So, What roadblocks stand in your way? Want to share?

I can help you move past them. Email me your response to Your responses will be confidental.


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