Seven Things Every Writer Must Do, Part 2: Discover Your Destiny



I’ve heard most every view regarding our destiny, from we make our own to we have no control over it whatsoever. Both can’t be true, can they? The answer is yes. Sort of. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. If God gave you the gift to write, then you are destined to write. How you fulfill that destiny may not be what you envisioned.

Many people feel if they have gifts in a certain area, they
can never pursue anything else. Others don’t want to operate in their areas of
strength. They are gifted at math but have no desire to be an accountant. It’s
really confusing. Hopefully, I can clear up some of that for you.


God gifted you for a
specific purpose.
There is a plan to get you from where you are to a
completely different place. While that is true, the route you take can vary
widely. Take parents for example. If mom and dad are brain surgeons and their
son inherited their gifts, one might think he is supposed to join the family
neuro-surgery practice. Makes sense, right? But he may be destined to use his
gifts to provide medical care in the jungles of Africa. Same gifts, different


To use your writing
gift IS God’s plan for you.
You may have the goal to be a published author.
Perhaps God will open that door. Maybe not, but one thing is for certain. If
you are gifted to write, you will write. Since you have the gift of prose, you
should be working to develop your craft. That’s your job. Study and practice
writing techniques. Immerse yourself in the world of writing. If God opens a
door that is different from your goal, walk through it. You’ll still be blessed
beyond measure.


You’re not in a dress
The time to discover and follow your destiny is now. Not
tomorrow. Search for it. Follow the path the journey illuminates. If you do,
not only will you be happy and fulfilled, you’ll add so much value to others.


It takes work to discover your destiny but I promise you it
is worth the effort. In the end, you and the world will be better off.


Reba J. Hoffman

Reba J. Hoffman is the MBT Member Care Coach. She has a PhD in clinical
counseling and is the founder and president of New Hope Institute of
Counseling. Reba uses her gift of encouragement to help writers overcome
negative emotions so they can live their dream of being a writer. Her works
appear in publications such as Running
for the Woman’s Soul
by Road Runner Sports and The Good Fight by Donna Hicken. She is the author of My Book
Therapy’s Dare to Dream, a Writer’s
. Contact her at

Do you know your
destiny? If so, what is it? If not, are you searching for the way you were
intended to make a contribution in this world? Email me with your answer or
questions at

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