Book Therapist Picks: The Restorer

I have to admit, I didn’t think I was a fantasy reader. One look at a Robert Jordan Wheel of Time book has me in shivers. I just can’t wrap my brain around the magic, and the elves, or mythical creatures, the rules of the different worlds, the ongoing list of characters. My brain isn’t that big, maybe.

But when my friend Sharon Hinck asked me to read her new book, The Restorer, I was intrigued. The premise — the story of a soccer mom who goes through a portal to a different land to become their champion had me cheering. (Because, secretly, wouldn’t we all like to do that?)

But…fantasy? And then I looked at my viewing habits — LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, and I remember devouring the Chronicles of Narnia. So, okay, maybe…

I Loved, LOVED the story. I loved not only the premise, but the characters, and most of all the take-away spiritual message that I can use in my own spiritual journey. Sharon was smart, however — she made the book “fantasy friendly” for non-fantasy readers. The champion, Susan, is just like us, with the same experience, hopes and dreams. Sharon uses every day terms, and connections to help shape her story world – it’s a world I can see, based off my understanding of this world. Sharon also taps into history (namely, the Israelites) to create cultural norms and customs I can understand. Her story world rules make sense to me.

I’ve gone on to read book 2, and now book 3 for endorsement. But reading the Restorer series has also taught me that occassionally, I need to read outside my genre. I’m a romantic suspense fan. But reading fantasy has deepened my understanding of creating Story World (something Fantasy writers are masters at). I’ve pondered ways to implement it in my own writing. And it’s inspired me to add other books to my TBR pile that I wouldn’t normally read, like a biography, to learn how to use details to deepen characterization. And I’ve picked up a mystery, in hopes to hone my red-herring skills.

I’ll always choose a romance for a rainy Saturday afternoon. But reading outside my preferred genre is a great way to pick up nuances I might miss to hone my craft. Try it – go to the library today and find a book you wouldn’t normally read. I challenge you to read three chapters — and then report back here what book you read, and what you learned!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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