Here’s a question that’s come to My Book Therapy: “What is the difference between Chick LIt and WF, and how can I decide what genre to use for my book?” …
Book Therapist Picks: Leaper
I haven’t laughed out loud on an airplane for a long time. Seriously — I know it’s scary when the person next to you on a plane bursts into hysterical …
Prescriptions: Listen To Me! The Black Moment Week 3
Welcome back! I hope you and your character and still talking to each other, now that you know his deepest fears, greatest dreams, and know how to hurt him! Because …
Self Therapy: Simplify and Focus!
Why can’t readers just be inside my brain? That’s the problem, isn’t it? Trying to help the reader grasp a scene without giving them too little information, or also overwhelming …
Ask the Doc: Raising Tension by creating Peripheral Stakes
My bad — as I was getting into my cab yesterday on my way home from Dallas, I hollered at my Book Therapy cohort, Rachel, to blog about Dr. Notes, …