Ask the Doc: My question has to do with secondary characters. Do you generally create them before you start writing? How well to you have them sketched out? Or do …
Reading Up: Jodi Picoult
New York Times Best Selling author Jodi Picoult is gaining a reputation for great writing, wonderful stories and the boldness to address hard core social issues. In The Tenth Circle, …
Perscriptions: Writing Lits II
Last week I (Rachel) talked about writing chick literature be it chick, mom, lady, hen, southern, super chick or whatever. There are a wide variety. This week, Prescriptions continues the …
Self-Therapy: Sympathy versus Compassion
Yesterday, I talked about the first secret to creating characters that make the reader cry: Compassion. It’s always a challenge to decide what element is most important to lead with …
Doctor’s Notes: Secret #1 to making readers cry over our heroes!
I’ve been studying lately secrets to making my characters not only unique, but heroic – heroes and heroines that live on in our hearts, and will make readers cry over …