Writing Through The Holidays

Are you asking yourself the same question as I am?  How in world is any sane person supposed to fit writing a book in along with the busy holiday seasons and a day job?

It is possible. You can do this!

Plan, Pray and Snatch.

These three things have saved my sanity the last two weeks.

I so badly wanted to complete the MBTWRIMO this year.

For those of you new to the writing world, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), where writers set a goal to write a 50,000 word manuscript in one month.

Yes, if I didn’t think I was crazy when characters started talking to me, trying to complete a book during the holiday season should make me certifiable crazy.

Plan: I made a plan using some of the things recommended by fellow writers.

  1. Enlisted the aid and support of my family
  2. Made lists to help my family keep track and do things without me
  3. Premade meals
  4. Scheduled time for social gatherings like Thanksgiving luncheon with my daughters etc.
  5. Maximized my work schedule (planned my work time with as little interruptions as possible)
  6. Get up earlier to write

And of course, life still interrupted.

The first day I didn’t get to write, then the second, then the third.  By the end of that first week I was desperate. I started to feel sorry for myself.  Really, I had a whine party and selfishly (or not), didn’t include anybody but myself.

Then I prayed.

Prayer shifted my focus.  The story I’m working on has a spiritual message that talks about being “chosen” by God. I had to step back and remember I wasn’t writing for me, it’s to tell God’s message. So ultimately it’s in His hands. I may not be able to make a way, but we all know God is!

Snatch.  Every. Moment. I snatch ever moment I can.

Work cutting into your time? I had a meeting at work that was unscheduled and required me to drive in on my off day.  Then when I arrived I was told the meeting was delayed by an hour.


I wasn’t on the clock, so you know what I did? I opened up my trusty laptop to hammer out some words in my manuscript.  After an hour I had a great scene! I hit the save button with a huge smile on my face.

Company Over?  Involve them.  Seriously.  I have company staying at my home until we ring in the new year of 2013.  That in itself is a little bit of a distraction.

While we were cooking Sunday dinner, I asked them to help me come up with some good ‘ole East Texas slangs for my manuscript.

Whew, talk about laughing till you get a stich in your side.  My friends threw out some of the funniest slangs, some I had never heard of.  I ended up with at least three to be included in my manuscript.

Finally, my plan is coming together, slowly but surely. I see the finish line around the corner!

What has helped you to keep writing this holiday season?


Alena Tauriainen


A romance novel addict, Alena juggles life in the family business while mothering four zany kids. She ponders the beginning aspects of a writer’s life while enjoying real life with her family.

Comments 1

  1. Goodness, Aleana! Company until New Years! Seriously? But I’m sure they are a blessing to you. This is great advice for anytime, not just holidays.

    Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving!

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