After NaNoWriMo

It’s December already, beginning to look a lot like Christmas and the effects of National November Writer’s Month are starting to settle in and down in our thoughts, and hearts.

If you did well, you’re feeling pretty good about yourself right now. As you should! Congratulations. If you didn’t do well and, I’m just going to say it — failed — to accomplish your November writing goal, you’re feeling defeated. Maybe you’re beating yourself up and dredging all your past sins and failures to the surface. Stop. This falter does not define your whole existence. Take a look at what happened to cause you to miss your goal, and figure out how to make adjustments.

As many of you know, I love college football. Half time is the famous “make adjustments” time fans have come to know and love because it’s the break in the game where the loosing team goes into the locker room and fixes — magically — whatever they were doing wrong in the first half.

When Ohio State is losing, Hubby comforts me with, “Don’t worry, babe, they’ll make half time adjustments.”

Okay, so NaNoWriMo was YOUR first half in writing your novel. How’d you do? Are you running into the locker room at half time defeated? Close to your opponent? Up by a touch down or field goal?

What adjustments need to be made?

If you’re in a good spot, you wrote 40K – 50K words, figure out what you did well in the first half and keep it up. Go into December with the same momentum.

If you’re losing, you wrote less than your desired goal, or wrote nothing at all, MAKE adjustments! What happened?

Do you need to do more plot and characterization work? Usually when I’m struggling or working with a struggling author, more story and character work needs to be done.

Are you staying too busy, letting the tyranny of the urgent steal your dream? Then learn to say “No!” Turn off the TV, the radio, the phone. Put the kids to bed and go write.

When TV was a distraction to me, I look at myself one day and said, “Great, Rachel, you’re watching other people achieve their dream of acting, or singing, while robbing yourself of your own.”

We don’t have cable or DISH. We watch Netflix and shows on DVD… after my writing is done.

Set up a writing time and guard it. Even in the holidays, you can find time to write. Even if you just stare at the screen, keep your committed writing time.

Ask the Lord to help you!

Come out of NaNoWriMo strong, believing in yourself and your ability. Every team running out of the locker room after the half BELIEVES they can win the game.

You can do no less.

So get back to work, finish that book!

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