2015 and the Two Sides of Change

Happy New Year!

Are you ready for some change?

It’s the first day of 2015 and one thing’s for certain: This year won’t be the same old, same old of 2014. Change is ahead, whether it’s planned change — think New Year’s resolutions or picking One Word for the year — or whether it’s the unexpected changes that always occur.

I chatted about change with a writing friend earlier this week. She’s selected change as her One Word for 2015. As we talked, I said, “When we think about the word change, we tend to think about how things are going to be different. What about how things won’t change?

Choosing to Change

Around here at My Book Therapy (MBT), we like to talk story. One question we like to ask is: What can your character do at the end of your book that he/she couldn’t do at the beginning of the book?

That question is all about how your character changes.

Consider this: Your character is not a completely different (imaginary) person by the time you write The End. No, there are parts of their (imaginary) personality that you, as the almighty author, allow to remain the same.

Choosing not to Change

There are times when it’s okay not to change. Times when it is even wise not to change.

If change violates your values or faith — don’t change.

If change hurts you or someone else in some way — physically or emotionally — don’t change. (Okay, okay. I know some life changes hurt us, like when our kids grow up and leave home for college. That is not what I’m talking about here.)

If change upends a positive in your life — you lost that weight you wanted to in 2014 or you stopped biting your nails or you finally, finally established a regular exercise routine — don’t change.

If you’re writing regularly, attending PepTalks, or you made plans to attend Deep Thinkers — done something proactive and positive to pursue your writing dream — don’t change.

Are you ready to embrace the changes waiting for you in the new year? Are you ready to remain steady in the areas of your life that don’t need to change? 



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