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A Time for Goodbye
December 31, 2023
by Susan May Warren, @SusanMayWarren Hello Friends, It’s a bittersweet moment as I write to you for one last time on…

Be An Encourager
December 29, 2023
by Rebecca Yauger, @RebeccaYauger Writing is a solitary business. Yet we all know that no one can succeed alone. We all…

How to Fix a Sagging Middle
December 27, 2023
By Tara Johnson, @TaraMinistry Oh, the dreaded sagging middle. No, I’m not talking about flabby abs, although I do need…

Lessons From Twelve Years of Writing
December 26, 2023
by Peter Leavell, @PeterLeavell In 2011, I won Operation First Novel, which came with a publishing contract and $20,000. The…

Reach for the Stars
December 22, 2023
by Delores Topliff, @DeloresTopliff I’d heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson, the astrophysicist and planetarium director hosting the PBS NOVA ScienceNow show,…

Writers, Do What You Don’t Want to Do! (Take 2)
December 21, 2023
by Beth K. Vogt, @bethvogt “As with anything creative, change is inevitable.” Enya (1961-), Irish Musician Remember that challenge I gave…