When Your Dreams Need New Life

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

Photo by Osama Khan on Unsplash

2020. 2021. 2022. 

I only need to type those numbers for a host of memories and feelings to overwhelm most people. These numbers, these years, have been weighty. And for some, these years have represented a setback or a loss of dreams, of time, or progress.

Is that you?

Or maybe this time has represented the birth of something new. New ideas, new dreams, new possibilities, new ways of doing things. 

Can I encourage you?

It’s spring of 2022. The year is young, the possibilities endless. No matter what the last couple years have looked like, you can start fresh. Will you start something new with me?

  1. New mindset

It’s month four of the year, and I have writing goals, workout goals, and house goals that have just failed. When I realized this, I began to wilt, and then I remembered that a mind shift meant an attitude shift meant an action shift. 

So I rewrote my mental narrative. Maybe you need to rewrite yours, too? Where are you feeling defeated, rejected, or emotional? What do you need to remind your mind and heart to get back on track?

  1. New rhythm

That new mindset creates new rhythms. And let’s be honest, the last two years have come with creating and recreating new rhythms, especially if you moved from an office to home and had kids navigating school in the same space. 

But we are not bound or confined to what the last two years threw at us! We can reclaim a new rhythm and a new writing routine. Believe me, I’m with you.

We got married three weeks before the shutdowns in 2020, had a baby and remodeled our fixer upper in 2021, and we are just taking a breath and figuring out what our routine should look like in 2022. My crazy may look different from yours, but we are all figuring out new rhythms, and if you are hanging out on this site, you want to learn and grow in your writing. It begins with mindset and rhythms. 

And then that bleeds to action.

  1. New story

Friend, it’s time to start that story. We can spend years learning how to write a novel, but sometimes we just have to dive in and learn by trial and error. No one’s method will work for you exactly like it does for them. You get to take other’s tips and apply it to your creativity, schedule, and dreams.

Maybe you have a story in a drawer or on a drive that needs some new life. Maybe you have a story on your heart but are scared you will mess it up if you don’t learn all the techniques first. Maybe you have a story that you feel will one day be the next hit bestseller turned movie, but you just feel like you can’t write it yet.

Friend, will you grab that story and work on it with me this spring? It’s time for a new story. It’s time for the next chapter. It’s time to revive that dream. It’s time to just begin.

Spring is a time of new life, and there is so much possibility ahead. Will you join me this season? Trust me, friend, you’ve got this!

Heart’s Cry

When a car almost runs over him in the middle of a snowstorm, ex-Navy SEAL Micah Richards knows he’s hit rock bottom. After the deaths of several of his teammates, Micah is sure of two things: he only hurts those he tries to protect and their deaths are his fault. He has one family left on his list to pay his respects but stranded on the side of a mountain in the middle of the night, Micah has run low on options until Casey Stewart comes careening into his life.

The last thing Casey wants is a man, especially one as charming and handsome as Micah who reminds her of her heartache from high school. And especially not when she has so much on her plate: kids trapped in the middle of bad neighborhood cycles at home and a sister who needs out from under their mother’s roof. But helping is in her nature, and something about Micah makes her want to let him in.

Now in the same city, Micah and Casey just can’t seem to stay away from one another, despite Casey’s best efforts. The more, he gets to know the community, the more he wants to stay. When a local drug dealer goes awry, Casey has only one person to turn to—the one who could hurt her heart the most. Micah must face the demons of his past to fight for his new team and new dream—a woman with the heart of a warrior who fights for others. A woman he would die for.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at karisslynch.com, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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