by Dalyn J. Weller, @dalynweller
One of my favorite things about writing is that there’s always something more to learn. Like most writers I’m curious, and I don’t believe curiosity killed the cat. Maybe it got him into trouble, but trouble is a good thing if you’re a fiction writer.

I’ve blogged for well over a decade. I’ve written pieces for print and online magazines. I assumed writing books would come easily. Yeah. No.
Writing fiction? A whole new animal. The transition to learning fiction put me in a tizzy when I realized everything I didn’t know. Does that even make sense? I was overwhelmed.
I had a little talk with myself (writers and lunatics do that) and discussed the fact that since I’d decided to write novels, I was also committed to a lifetime of learning. Once that was settled, I embraced it.
Susan May Warren says, “If you haven’t been changed by the writing journey you’ve missed the point.” I got the shivers the first time I heard her say that, because I believed that notion from the first time I walked to the mailbox and unwrapped a book on writing.
Writers with a desire to influence with words become mental athletes. The study of craft isn’t merely acquiring skill, it’s mastery over our ability to motivate ourselves without reward for long periods. And it takes fortitude to reject rejection and turn it into fuel to pursue improvement in our craft.

Powerful writing requires discipline and the passion to study a patchwork of topics. Dedicated writers learn to persevere through creativity famines as well as endure criticism. That takes tenacity.
As a writer you know how handy it is to have a toolbox packed with a varied vocabulary and a wide range of verbs and strong nouns. You also know it’s beneficial to have a deep well of random, weird facts to flavor stories. Picking up new resources and knowledge keeps writing fresh.
Part of the fun of writing is exploring people and their quirks, ourselves, and our world. There are new places inside and outside to conquer or create. There are deeper emotions to excavate, and fears to probe. It’s never-ending. We gain awareness of self and others as we continually learn to strengthen our writing.
And research? Research is an opportunity to go on an adventure, much like our readers expect when they open our books. To give the reader a satisfying story, we get to go on the journey ahead of them. Think of it as a mental field trip.
As we gain ground on our call as writers, we learn to love learning, and that alone is worth gold. Keep writing and keep learning!
Rooted & Blooming, Flourishing In Desert Seasons
Feeling discouraged? Spiritually dry? We all experience difficulties, but we don’t all flourish in those times. Even if you’re in a desert time, and you feel like a prickly cactus instead of a beautiful bloom, just remember that though a harsh, dry wind may blow into your life once in a while, even a cactus blooms in the desert. Using metaphoric language and plenty of scripture, this book is meant to sustain the weary soul and encourage us to root down in the truths of the Bible and bloom with faith. For those struggling in their faith, or someone just needing a faithful friend to remind them of who they are, Rooted & Blooming was written to lead the way in a courageous daily walk with Jesus. There are forty devotions to be read one per day, or one per week. The chapters include a suggested passage of Scripture to read. Practical and thematic, the devotions are written to remind the reader how to face each day with confidence in the written word of God and what the Bible says to them and about them. Each day is a bit different, with an occasionally suggested prayer, a list of Bible verses to look up, or a thought-provoking quote. Rooted & Blooming, Flourishing In Desert Seasons available in print and e-book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo (audio is in production)

Dalyn Weller is a small town girl, living with her real-life romantic hero on a horse ranch in Washington State. She writes from the ranch with dogs at her feet, horses hanging their heads over the fences, and dairy goats and sheep munching grass around her chair. Dalyn writes devotional books and Inspirational Romances with a country flavor. Her inspirations come from real-life characters all around her. Life in wine country is full of romance. Visit her all over social media or her website: and be sure and sign up for her newsletter: Writing From The Ranch
Comments 2
What an inspiring post! Thank you, Dalyn! I especially liked your description of research as “a mental field trip.” Blessings on you as you write for King Jesus!
Thanks MaryAnn!