4 Mindsets For When We’re Waiting

by Jeanne Takenaka, @JeanneTakenaka

Please tell me I’m not the only one who struggles with waiting? No matter where we are on this publishing journey, we will wait for something, or for someone, at some point. 

Whether we’re pre-published and waiting for an agent to offer representation or for an editor to say how much they loved our story, and yes, they’d love to offer a contract . . .

Or the first book is published, but there’s waiting for another contract for the sophomore novel . . . 

Or a multi-published author waiting to hear if their publisher wants to offer another contract . . . 

This journey is filled with waiting. 

Ultimately, when we’re in a place of waiting, we must remember that there is a Father who orchestrates each step in His timing, in His way. But trusting Him in the waiting times can stretch thin our patience.

There are mindsets we can adopt and things we can do to make the waiting productive. Today, we’ll focus on mindset. My next post will focus on things we can do in the waiting.

Waiting is not intended to be a passive endeavor. To be productive in waiting, we need the right mindset. Here are four ways to wait well:

  1. Wait actively. Don’t halt all aspects of life because one area is on hold. We can still work on other things in life and in writing. When our mind is occupied, we won’t be as manipulated by the uncertainties that come with waiting. We can be time-users, not time-wasters. We should be intentional with how we spend our time while we wait.
  2. Wait trusting. God knows the plans He has for us. Even when waiting for possibly hard answers, He is already in that place, waiting for us. He promises He’ll never leave us or forsake us. We can trust Him to help us in the waiting. Whether we’re waiting for a response to a query, or we’re waiting for the outcome of a possible new contract, we can trust that God’s working His best plans for us.
  3. Wait focused. Not focused on the coming answer, but on Jesus. When we focus on Him, whether we’re waiting with excitement or with dread, we can know His peace. He’s our motivation for what we do anyway, isn’t He? Let’s spend time with Him as we wait for His plans to come to fruition. 
  4. Wait seeking. In all things, we should seek Him. When we seek Him—through His word, through prayer, through worship, and even through serving—that He can prepare our hearts for the coming step. Whether we anticipate the end of the wait, or we’re afraid, when we seek Him, He walks with us and stabilizes all the uncertainty within our hearts. And, no matter the answer to our wait, He walks with us. He comforts us. He guides us. He equips us for the next step.

The next time you find yourself waiting, maybe worrying, try these steps instead.

What helps you in the wait?


Award-winning aspiring novelist, Jeanne Takenaka, writes contemporary inspirational fiction that tackles real-life issues with a heart to draw women closer to God and those around them. She lives near the mountains in Colorado with her amazing husband and two exuberant boy-men. She loves being God’s girl—always learning about His grace, hanging out with friends and enjoying a great cup of coffee. When she’s not writing you can find her with a camera in her hand, looking for #alittlebitofpretty in her days. You can connect with her on her blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

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