Breaking the Bubble

by Rebecca Yauger, @rebeccayauger

I had another post ready to go for this month’s blog, but I’ll save it for next time. I’m changing because I want to write about the recent ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference in Nashville.

If you haven’t attended a writer’s conference before, I encourage you to do so. Writing can be so solitary, and yes, I know you can and do meet other writers online as you become members of groups like Novel Academy and ACFW. However, the fellowship in person is not to be missed. It is like a family reunion.

It’s wonderful to be in that bubble with writers and find others who understand what this crazy business is about. People to attend craft classes together, find encouragement and inspiration, and understand the highs and lows of this writing life. I love being in that bubble, but all too soon the bubble bursts. And you’re back to “real life.” The inspiration and motivation you found at a conference can quickly melt away with the laundry and needs of your family. Reality creeps in.

So, what do you do?

This year has been the year of God teaching me to rely solely on Him. I’ve been in caregiving mode for my aging parents, who live in another state. As I write this post, my mother (in her early 80s) is undergoing knee replacement surgery. I’m not there. My father is weepy whenever he talks about me not being there. But at this moment, my dad is surrounded, and I mean surrounded and encompassed, with his church family. He’s surrounded by love. That brings me comfort, although it’s still not easy. And while it may be difficult for my parents and me that I’m not there, I think ultimately, it’s a good thing. There was a point this year where I felt they were relying on me more than God, and therefore I believed that it was all up to me to help them. I relied on my own strength instead of God’s. So, today, when I’m several states away from my parents, we’re all learning to lean into God.

How does this relate to writing?

You probably guessed it: we need to lean into God. The conference bubble has burst, the inspiration and motivation are fading with the reality of daily life, and our friends aren’t there to hug our necks or kick our backsides. Therefore, we need to count on God. He is constant, He is always there. If He has given you a story to write, then our dependence is on him to get it written.

That reliance doesn’t negate what we learned at the conference or the encouragement we received. Those are all gifts from Him. For me, at the conference, I was able to shut out the outside world and soak in a world of story, characters, and fellowship with writers. It was a wonderful bubble to be in.

Now, I want to find a way to hang on to that motivation to write my book. I must write even through days like today when my concern is for my mother during surgery and for my father waiting and hoping that she’s okay. The only way to get through this and to keep on the mission is to depend on my Lord and Savior. He has plans for me and plans for my parents. My trust is in Him and with Him.

Don’t let fear overwhelm you or take a bite out of the inspiration and motivation you have for writing your story.

While we can find inspiration and encouragement from others (which is a good thing), we know in the long run, that our sole reliance needs to be on God and His plans for us.

Rebecca Yauger worked for 15 years in radio and television broadcasting, before starting on her writing career. She’s been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Guideposts Magazine and continues to scribble away on various projects. She also blogs at Becky was past Vice-President and Membership Director for American Christian Fiction Writers (, and currently serves as ACFW’s Web Manager. She and her husband live near Dallas and have two grown children, one beautiful grandchild with another one on the way.


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