Photo by Lisa Setrini-Espinosa
The holiday season is full of traditions and time with family. For those working a job with set hours, the time on vacation is clear. For the self-employed, not so much.
Authors set their hours based on deadlines and personal career goals. Unfortunately, there are times when others do not understand these hours. Guilt trips can be the norm in such situations.
Sometimes writers feel guilty themselves, even when others aren’t pressuring them. There are many demands on a writer’s time. The juggle of priorities can be daunting.
How can a writer stay sane during the holidays?
Let go of guilt.
Guilt by its very definition is condemnation based on an confirmed or implied offense. Realize that if you are doing your best to juggle the priorities in your life to include your profession and family/friends, guilt doesn’t belong.
It is natural to want to please others, but it is imperative to recognize the difference between expectations and real responsibility. Making a conscious effort to let go of guilt that is really not owned brings freedom.
There are three guilt trips writers should especially keep an eye out for each year. They have the ability to sap creative energy and waste valuable time.
3 Guilt Trips Writers Shouldn’t Take During the Holidays:
*The Family Time Guilt Trip – Writers often feel guilty about not spending as much time writing during the holiday season. Although writing time may be essential if vacation time isn’t available due to writing deadlines, don’t feel guilty about spending time with family.
Time with family isn’t always guaranteed. Special moments are meant to be shared with those we love. Enjoy time with family to the fullest.
*The Writing Time Guilt Trip – If you are a writer by profession, then working the hours your job demands is part of the equation. Deadlines are part of the job. Plan ahead to have time with family and don’t waste energy feeling guilty about putting words on the page. Focus on power writing during writing times and focus on fun the rest of the holiday season.
*The January 1st Regrets Guilt Trip – Setting goals for 2017 is an important task for writers, but reflect merely on how to improve. Waste no time on guilt because it doesn’t change the past. Focus on the future of the writing journey where energy is well spent. Set goals focused on maximizing strengths and challenging weak areas in small increments.
How do you avoid guilt trips during the holiday season?