Research For Today’s Writer

I’ve been preparing for my next wip and like every professional writer, I want to make sure and present all of the information accurately. Why I picked a photographer for my next character, I will never know. But when you’re brainstorming with craft partners along the river, it all sounds fabulous and totally easy.

Not! Somewhere in the back of my mind I figured hey, my brother is a photographer. He can fill in all the gaps. Um, no. Even photographers have their areas of specialty. Guess, what? My brother specializes in photographing events – not places.

I wanted to take a fresh look at how to research novels. I polled some of my writing buddies both unpublished and published and got some great ideas for researching.

Home Improvement?

If you’re trying to write a home improvement scene and are totally repair challenged, try

Crazy Psychopath People?

This is obviously for people who write suspense. The FBI website offers research for you to profile your villain(s). Not for the faint of heart.

Local law enforcement as part of their job normally hold informational seminars throughout the year. Contact your local law enforcement to get more information.

The Library.

Believe it or not, I still think libraries are a great source of information. Now, you don’t even need to leave your home. Find out if your library offers the ability to loan out books digitally. I know our library in Montgomery, Texas, utilizes a third party. When I borrow books from the library it’s sent straight to my Kindle. Welcome to the age of technology!

Word of caution though — check the publishing date on your reference information to make sure your information is up to date.

Professional Questions.

Look around you. Who do you know that works in that field?  You’d be surprised at how big your circle of friends can be. When I took stock of people I could interview, I was surprised. I know teachers, CPA, attorneys, doctors, nurses, EMTs and physical therapists. Take them out for coffee and give them a chance to talk about the profession they love. One of the key questions I ask: What was the worst day on the job? Worst case you experienced? Those are FANTASTIC dark moments for your characters!

Local Workshops.

If your character is going to get stuck in an avalanche or a tornado, search for a disaster preparedness workshop. If your character is going to be an entrepreneur and the bottom will fall out, you can look into the Small Business Development Center. Check the local Chamber of Business. They have many opportunities available as well.

Steampunk Anyone?

Museums. Try to find one with Victorian exhibits. I’ve heard The Victoria and Albert Museum online is great. Hey, why leave your house if you don’t have to? 


You can of course, research online. I sat down next to one of my teenage sons and started asking questions. They gave great answers. Word of caution though — don’t ask any questions during the season playoffs.

What research tools have you found helpful?




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