Do That One Thing!

successI’ve been buried under an avalanche of frustration due to a software conversion. Have you ever been through one of those? During the first week of the conversion, the phone rang off the hook with questions and snags between the old software and the new. 

I know having a sprinkling of gray hair is considered elegant, but I think I grew a whole new patch of gray hair in the last three months. (Seriously, ask my friends).

When we started this conversion I knew it was going to be difficult and I thought I planned accordingly. But I didn’t. Before I knew it, all of my writing time was lost because of the unforeseen problems that developed.

One day in the midst of pulling out my hair – a wise friend asked me.

“What is the one thing you can do to reach towards your dream today? What’s the one thing you can do in order to have forward motion?”

I looked at her at like she was crazy. Certifiable.

“Um, write?”

“Good, then go do it.”

*Snort* “When? I’m working a 50-60 hour work-week on top of family and church obligations.”

“Do you really want to write?” Yes, she gave me the eye roll when she asked this question.

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes back.

“Then do it – even better leave your desk and go to lunch somewhere.”

I was trying to pull one foot out of the avalanche and she’s talking lunch? Lunch was a salad or a burger at my desk and I told her so.

Her response?

“Listen, when you are that frustrated you need to take a break. You can’t see the forest from the trees when you are so wound up. Why not do something you enjoy to get your mind off of it? You’ll go back refreshed.”

Now, you and I both know that’s not rocket science but I needed to be reminded.

I plan on embracing that one thing for myself today.

Here are some ideas that may help you:

  • Can you use your lunch break and
  • Write a scene
  • Edit a scene
  • Read a blog on writing
  • Research your next writing retreat
  • Skype / Facetime a craft partner to work on their scene?
  • Skype / Facetime a craft partner to work on your scene?

Combine Family and Writing Time

Sunday’s at my home, is a day designated for church and family. What do we do? My boys and husband love sports. I know this may be blasphemy to some, but I’m not an avid sports fan. While I find it sometimes entertaining, I’m not over-the-top enthralled and would rather write. My compromise? I casually watch, I cook the upcoming weeks meals and sometimes get to work on my laptop. I may not do actual writing, I may just prep my next scene or edit but it’s one thing I can do for forward motion.

As we approach the end of the first quarter, what’s the one thing you can do to achieve those goals you wrote down at the beginning of the year?