Heart of a Writer

Let’s face it. You’re cut from a different cloth. You see the world through a strange set of eyes. You look for ways to murder people and get away with it and talk about it with friends in a crowded restaurant. You routinely express both sides of a conversation… with yourself… OUT LOUD!

Behind all that bizarre behavior is the catalyst of what makes you who you are and compels you to do what you do. It’s the heart of a writer. And it lives inside you.

The heart of a writer is unique in many ways. Here are a few:

Real Time Book Therapy

I’m working with a My Book Therapy premium member and she sent me this excerpt from her first chapter. She’s doing a great job of using the right tools — showing a hint of the want, wound, lie and fear, but the journey is a bit bumpy.

With her permission, I’m using our exchange to give you all some real time book therapy.

The story is a Biblical account set in the time of Elijah. The hero, is the son of a high priestess of a pagan god and expected to follow in her footsteps. But he’s starting to realize this is not what he was born to do.

At dawn on Preparation Day, Aban pulled on the threadbare tunic he’d purchased from the rag seller and climbed out a rear window, the very one he guarded during the nightly rituals to keep freeloaders from climbing into the temple of Melqart.

Social Media Minute—The Best Places to Find Images for Your Blog

Right on the heels of the questions about what to write about come those asking where to find good images for a blog. Everyone who knows me even a little knows that I’m a stickler about copyright, especially when it comes to borrowing (stealing) images on the internet. So where do I find pictures for my blog?

You may not like my answer. The truth is, I take a lot of my own pictures. I do it because it’s hard to find some of the images I want to illustrate the points I make. But don’t worry, I’ll give you a couple of places you look AND some tips on creating your own GREAT images.

It’s easier than you think, trust me on this!

Finding God in (Divine) Interruptions

As writers, we plot the lives of our imaginary characters. We devise Inciting Incidents. Plan Disappointments and Disasters that all lead to inevitable Black Moments. We interrupt our characters lives so they’ll learn the spiritual truths they need to embrace on their way to happily-ever-afters.

But what about us?

What To Do When Publishing Isn’t Going Your Way

It’s bound to happen.

Your publishing dreams will be challenged.

Stifled. Stomped on. Trampled like an old dirty rag.
You quiver with doubt.

You shake with despair.

“When will I ever achieve my goal?”

Hang in there. The publishing road is well-worn with folks just like you.

The millions of authors who have gone before you and made the publishing path just a little bit wider.

A little bit smoother.

Writing a novel is hard work.

It requires dedication. Devotion. Unending hours of butt-in-chair.

But the business of publishing is even more of a challenge.

Your critique partner gets “the call.”

You don’t.