Where There Seems to be No Way

You’ve been writing, editing, writing and worrying that a door will open to get your prose into print. Every day that passes without Barnes and Noble making a place for your best seller on down their center isle lets a little more air out of your hope inspired bubble.

It doesn’t bother you at first. Or at least that’s what you tell everyone through your veil of courage. But then you begin to question. At first, you wonder what in the world they’re thinking for not having purchased your manuscript. Then you realize it’s you. Surely, you are the worst writer on the face of the planet.

It’s an emotional roller coaster that would make the thrill rides at Disney World look like kiddy rides.

You finally stand right in front of what appears to be a fifty foot high solid brick wall. The only good purpose it would serve now is something really hard to throw your computer against to ensure it will be completely destroyed.

It’s heartbreaking. Exhausting. Downright disillusioning!

But wait! You didn’t read “the end” did you? Nope. Know why? Because it’s not over! God works in ways you cannot see. There is a way even where there seems to be no way! He’s working things out.

So when there seems to be no way you’ll realize your dream of being a published author, take heart and remember these things:

You can’t see the ways God is working. But when you can’t see his hand working on your behalf, you know you can trust His heart.

All things really do work together for good. You can relax knowing it will all work out.

Living a rich, full career as a writer in a different way than you dreamed is NOT a consolation prize. Get over the fact that it didn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted it to.

There’s always a way. Always. Even when there seems to be no way, there is a way.

Don’t be derailed by worries and concerns about not moving forward. Hone your craft. Learn how to write successfully and then let God work in those ways you cannot see. He will make a way for you where there seems to be no way. Trust that. Trust Him. You’ll be happier and will be ready to walk through the door He opens.

So are you discouraged? Disillusioned? Feel stagnant? Share it here!

Comments 2

  1. It is so true, Reba, and we have to set aside our emotions and remind ourselves of the promises of God. That’s easier said than done but we know we serve a big God who is patient with us.

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