Why can’t you love me, baby?

Last month we spent a lot of time on our hero and heroine – and why they fall in love.


This month, as we ponder what goes into writing a romance, we’re going to talk about why they can’t fall in love.


First, let’s talk about romance for a second…falling in love is amazing. Regardless of your age, when you find that one you love, it stirs an breathlessness, an awakening in us that our beloved would…well, love us.  Because, frankly, now one but you know why he or she shouldn’t.  Right?  You think:  if he or she only knew the truth, they go running. 


But, eventually they do find out the truth…  And they stay.  And that’s what makes true love even more breathtaking. 


Add to that the little sacrifices we make for the ones we love, and pretty soon is…well, it’s  romance novel! 


But the fact is, without a few struggles, true love isn’t tested.  Remember your first big fight?  I’ll bet you bemoaned with your friends and said, “That’s it. So-an-so hates me.” 


Which made it ever more wonderful when the one you loves shows up at the door at 1am, red-eyed…. 


In a romance novel, CONFLICT drives the story. See, without the fights and the turmoil, the story isn’t interesting.  And most of all, True Love can’t triumph….because it hasn’t had to.  Conflict is essential for a great romance.  But not just an conflict…fighting over the kind of coffee they drink, or driving too fast, or even stupid things about they way he or she did or did not look at our character from across the office is trite and unsatisfying.


No, we’re going to fight about the things that MATTER. 


In other words, our conflict is going to be focused on the true obstacles to love between them.  Something that I like to call…the WHY NOTS.


A romance novel must have both External Why Nots and Internal Why Nots.


The External Why Nots are easy – why can’t, on paper, these two be together?  Think of the external obstacles as the plot obstacles:


He works for the bank that wants to take over the family farm.

She is his new boss, and is supposed to fire him.

He opens a competing business in her town.

She’s a cop, he’s a criminal.

( I love the premise to the new Gerard Butler movie – he’s a bounty hunter, assigned to track down his wife!  Wonderful!)


Think: What real-life obstacle in the plot pushes your hero and heroine apart?



Let’s take a look at our favorite movies:


While You Were Sleeping: 

She’s his brother’s fiancé.  Or not, but then yes, she is.  So, he can’t have her. 

And, she has lied…and can’t get out of it.  These obstacles loom larger as the story plays out.


(This theme is used A LOT in movies, by the way – and it never seems to get old.  Think: Sabrina.  Or, even Maid of Honor.  The device of belonging to the wrong person…and loving the right one…)


Return to Me:

She has his dead wife’s heart.  ‘Nuf said.



Well, she’s married, isn’t she?  And it’s clear that two people’s problems don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.


Okay – so we all know those are my favorites.  So now it’s YOUR turn….


In your favorite movies, what External Why Nots keep your hero and hero apart?  Go over to www.mybooktherapy.ning.com and add your voice to the discussion of Why/Why Not!  Every Voice Counts!


Everyone who leaves a comment will be eligible to receive a copy of my new book, Sons of Thunder!


Tomorrow, well talk about those heartbreaking INTERNAL Why Nots!

Susie May



Don’t forget to enter The Frasier! My Book Therapy’s Story-crafting Contest.  You could win a free retreat and great recognition in the publishing world!  Deadline:  March 31st.  Details HERE!

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